I had always dreamed of studying design and pursuing a career that involved colors and creativity. I loved to express myself through different forms of art and media, and I had a keen eye for aesthetics and innovation.
I have won many awards in school for my talents in drama, dance, theater, singing, and poster making. I was also fit, hard-working, extroverted, and had excellent communication skills.
But as artificial intelligence became more advanced and pervasive, I realized that I needed to adapt to the changing world and find a way to use my skills in a more practical and impactful way. I became interested in the field of business, especially around diabetes management, which affected millions of people around the world.
I saw an opportunity to create a business that would combine my passion for design with my compassion for people with diabetes and a business idea around it. I envisioned a business that would offer alternative medicine benefits along with their current treatment regimen, using creative and engaging methods to educate and motivate them to live healthier and happier lives.
I knew that I had a lot to learn and that I would face many challenges along the way. But I was not afraid of them. I was eager to grow and learn from the best. I believed that with proper guidance and training, I could make a difference in the world with my unique vision and abilities.
Copyright 2025 by Sanchali Gupta. All Rights Reserved.